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Comparing Clojure books - Stack Overflow

Currently [April 5 2010] there is (afaik) one completed Clojure book available:

  • Programming Clojure by Stuart Halloway.

Two are being written and partially available at Manning:

  • The Joy of Clojure by Fogus and Houser
  • Clojure in Action by Amit Rathore

Another one is about to be published in May:

  • Practical Clojure (The Definitive Guide) by Luke Van der Hart

UPDATE [28th of May 2010]: Practical Clojure got published!

Are these books more or less the same and meant as a general introduction to Clojure? Does it make sense to buy them all, or is there a risk of having four very similar books? What is each book's unique take on Clojure if there is one?

Will there be books that go into more specialized areas of Clojure and target 'intermediate' or 'advanced' Clojure programmers?

share|improve this question
Practical Clojure got published. You might want to mention that. – Baishampayan Ghose May 28 '10 at 12:42
Done that. Tnx for your answer. – Michiel Borkent May 28 '10 at 12:50
Moderators, how exactly is this question "not constructive"? – missingfaktor Jun 3 '12 at 9:16

closed as not constructive by Bill the Lizard Sep 24 '11 at 14:55

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or specific expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, see the FAQ for guidance.

6 Answers

up vote 188 down vote accepted

I have read all the above books in one way or the other, and I think all the four books are distinct in their appeal and value. The books basically reflect the personality and thinking of the author(s) themselves. Here is what I think about the books -

  • Clojure Programming - Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, and Christophe Grand, April 2012

    This one takes a different tack than the others. It is a thorough introduction to the language itself (though it does cover more advanced topics like macros, protocols, types and records, etc), but it also has 4-5 "practicum" chapters that go through practical tasks like working with RDBMS and CouchDB from Clojure, web development using Ring, Compojure, Enlive, and Amazon Web Services, testing, design patterns, and how you should set up your Clojure projects (using Leiningen or Maven). It's also a little different in that comparisons between Clojure and Java/Python/Ruby are scattered throughout (which was really helpful to me coming from Python). It's really well-written; one of the few books that is enjoyable to read, rather than slog through.

  • Programming Clojure - Stuart Halloway & Aaron Bedra, March 2012

    A very concise and succinct book written primarily for people with Java, Ruby backgrounds. Covers all the basics and rationale clearly. It also manages to drive home the whole point of Functional Programming, Abstractions, etc. Being short, it doesn't cover some deep stuff like macros in detail (which is OK) and leaves a lot of things for the reader to explore and learn independently. A great introductory book overall.

  • Clojure in Action - Amit Rathore, November 2011

    A nice book which focuses a bit more on the practical uses of Clojure. Covers a lot of interesting material about designing applications of massive scale with Clojure. It also covers some ground about day-to-day practices like debugging, profiling, IDEs, etc. An interesting book which you might want to treat as a reference manual.

  • The Joy of Clojure - Michael Fogus and Chris Houser, April 2011

    Now this book is going to be epic. This book is for people who want to internalize the way of Clojure. It will tell you why some things are the way they are in Clojure and why that really matters. It's a lot like On Lisp. It shows the most idiomatic way of writing Clojure code. The focus is more on fun than the mundane enterprisy things that we usually do with Java. This is one book which every passionate Clojure developer should read & understand. After reading this book you will be able to appreciate Clojure much more than before.

  • Practical Clojure - Luke Hart, December 2009

    Another short, and nice book which has updated material. It covers the Clojure v1.2 features like Datatypes & Protocols and is written in the same lucid and approachable way like Programming Clojure. It's a very welcome addition to one's Clojure bookshelf. There is some interesting material about performance, protocols, parallel programming etc. It has nice code examples, diagrams etc. If someone wants to learn Clojure today, this one might be the right book to choose.

Having said that, it all depends on what you are looking for. If you want to just learn Clojure, then pick Clojure Programming or Programming Clojure (yeah, the names are confusing! The former is from O'Reilly, the latter is from Pragmatic). If you already know some Clojure and want to use it in real life scenarios, pick either Clojure Programming (which has 4-5 chapters dedicated to "practicums" around database and web development, testing, etc) or Clojure in Action. If you really want to take the red pill & dive deep into the Lisp/Clojure rabbit hole, by all means choose The Joy of Clojure.

But no matter what, don't stop having fun with Clojure.

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apparently the "second edition of Programming Clojure" is due next year: pragprog.com/book/shcloj2/programming-clojure ... what is its relation to Practice Clojure? – Sridhar Ratnakumar Aug 31 '11 at 4:08
I'm trying to collect links to all Clojure-related books (alexott.net/en/fp/books/#sec16) in my list of FP-related books – Alex Ott Jul 6 '12 at 14:01

I own "Programming Clojure" and have ordered both MEAPs, I haven't investigated "Practical Clojure".

I think the first three do have very distinct approaches. "Programming Clojure" is mostly about key features of Clojure with just enough explanation to help someone make progress but still demanding a lot of work from the reader (a good thing).

The two MEAPs are obviously not finished but very different. "Clojure in Action" appears to be targeting specific areas of application in a practical way. "The Joy of Clojure" is explicitly aiming to be the "next" clojure book, exploring the reasons behind Clojure's design.

So in a sense:

  • "Programming Clojure" is the "what"
  • "Clojure in Action" is the "how"
  • "The Joy of Clojure" is the "why"
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I personally think that The Joy of Clojure is going to be a more important book than Clojure in Action. Not because of the quality of the writing, but because of the individual goals of each book. Joy wants to take us deeper and teach us how to understand Clojure and write beautiful and correct code in it, while in Action seems to primarily be focused on doing certain things.

I think both books will be important to have in our arsenal. For now, I've only purchased the MEAP of Joy of Clojure. I'll likely end up with all of the books eventually.

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The last comment in this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/599519/which-tutorial-on-clojure-is-best

had some opinions on "Programming Clojure". Have you tried the "The Joy of Clojure" MEAP?

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I have the "Programming Clojure" book by Stuart Halloway and also the two MEAP books. I have read Stu's book and partly "The Joy of Clojure" and "Clojure in Action".

"Programming Clojure" is the introductory book. The rest of them assume some knowledge from the reader. In my case, I had a bit of Common Lisp programming before coming to Clojure which turned out to be of great help, as Clojure borrows a lot of ideas from Common Lisp.

So, I would say, get all the three and also some Common Lisp books like Paul Grahams "ANSI Common Lisp" or Peter Seibel's "Practical Common Lisp" as well just for reference.

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FYI Manning frequently sends out discount codes for MEAP's, e.g. 30% off, sign up here


or search for authors tweeting about it

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On top of that, both The Joy of Clojure and Clojure in Action can be obtained with 35% off using code 'clojure35'. – Michiel Borkent Apr 8 '10 at 5:10
This code still works as of Aug 2012 – Ted Kulp Aug 23 '12 at 14:01

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